
Parashat Vayakhel / Mar 21 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Maybe We Should Pray
Parashat Vayakhel / Mar 21
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Maybe We Should Pray
In that moment we just asked for something beyond what we knew,
from a source, from a God, in whom we did not yet believe

Parashat Terumah / Mar 1 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Wanted: God-in-Residence
Parashat Terumah / Mar 1
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Wanted: God-in-Residence
You see, the rabbis don’t have the same sensibility as many of us today
They are not trying to sell participation in the Jewish project with pretty websites, trendy tie-ins and/or free trips
They are actually trying to discern who is ready to be a part of this "building a holy place” project
It is so serious, see, and so important
Nothing less than our collectively making room for God
For holiness in our world
That it requires some thought

Parashat Mishpatim / Feb 21 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Losing Our Song of Songs
Parashat Mishpatim / Feb 21
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Losing Our Song of Songs
But if you are ready
Without negating your own pain,
Whatever side you think you’re on,
I beg you, I beg us all, to consider recognizing the pain of another, the other
Not in a casual, it’s-all-the-same-pain-way, it really isn’t
Not in a way that absolves grown adults of responsibility
Not in a distanced, American, utilitarian, check-the-box way either —
But in a way that expands what you thought you were capable of
A way I believe is given to us by God

Parashat Vayechi / Jan 11 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Stealing From Yourself
Parashat Vayechi / Jan 11
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Stealing From Yourself
We usually imagine ourselves as Joseph, the protagonist
Talented and beloved, well accessorized and victimized —
But it seems to me Torah wants us to see we can also be like these brothers
Who, through force or commerce or both
Push Joseph out of their frame of vision
Reinforcing the idea that there is not enough love to go around

Parashat Vayishlach / Dec 13 / Rabbi Mark Sameth / Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
Parashat Vayishlach / Dec 13
Rabbi Mark Sameth – Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long-time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now.

Parashat Vayetzei Yaakov / Dec 6 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / A Rock Is Not Just A Rock
Parashat Vayetzei Yaakov / Dec 6
Rabbi Noa Kushner
A Rock Is Not Just A Rock
But then I looked at the torah for this week
And I realized that a key without a door is still a key
And sometimes doors show up, sometimes doors come out of nowhere

Parashat Lech Lecha / Nov 8 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Blowing Kisses at Pharaoh
Parashat Lech Lecha / Nov 8
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Blowing Kisses at Pharaoh
And so, this shabbat
Rather than being furious that people, through this election, are still writing love notes to Pharaoh
Pantomiming, “I’ll call you,”
While God waits, incredulous holding the sea apart, looking at her watch, tapping her feet —