Parashat Mishpatim / Feb 21 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Losing Our Song of Songs 


But if you are ready 
Without negating your own pain, 
Whatever side you think you’re on, 
I beg you, I beg us all, to consider recognizing the pain of another, the other
Not in a casual, it’s-all-the-same-pain-way, it really isn’t
Not in a way that absolves grown adults of responsibility 
Not in a distanced, American, utilitarian, check-the-box way either — 

But in a way that expands what you thought you were capable of 
A way I believe is given to us by God 

Read — and download, take notes, save forever – Rabbi Noa Kushner’s full drash here + listen below.



Parashat Terumah / Mar 1 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Wanted: God-in-Residence


Parashat Vayechi / Jan 11 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Stealing From Yourself