Kitchen Social Club


Kitchen Social Club KSC

Who we are

We are The Kitchen’s community for people in their 20s & 30s.

We bring a vibrant presence to holidays and Shabbat by having our own table at meals and hosting before & after event gatherings. Basically, you’ll always have someone great to sit next to.

We facilitate Jewish learning & justice opportunities that speak specifically to our generation, led by Kayla Pollak, The Kitchen’s Youth & Young Adult Program Director.

You envision fun social opportunities and events for our community to grow closer.

Need some ideas for jewish things that all KSC members will love? Here you go: host Shabbat potluck dinners or lunch, plan social mixers at your favorite watering hole or home, organize a Passover seder, visit the CJM together, or volunteer at Glide together.

Things to expect in the coming year:
Monthly KSC Shabbat Dinner
Monthly Lunch + Learn
Annual KSC 2nd Night Seder
Annual Hanukkah Party
Shabbat Park Hang hosted by KSCers

Who you are

Jew-ish or exploring
Live with 5 roommates
10 years deep in our career
Exploring the type of job we want
New to San Francisco
Lived in San Francisco our whole lives
And everything else you can imagine


All members of The Kitchen who are in their 20s & 30s are invited to become part of Kitchen Social Club community! If you aren’t a member of The Kitchen yet, check out our levels here and choose the level that most accurately reflects you.

If you’d like to learn more about KSC and have questions about becoming a Kitchen-ite, email our Director of Family Education, Mor Shimonie at

What we’re doing next: