

hhd5783 Rabbi Noa Kushner hhd5783 Rabbi Noa Kushner

The Dawn of Righteousness / Kol Nidrei 5783

Kol Nidrei 5783
Rabbi Noa Kushner
The Dawn of Righteousness

It’s as if the angels are saying:

“Get out of here! If you linger too long on this place and what it did to you, you’ll never make it.
Stop thinking that if you only did this one thing you could fix it,
Forget combing through the ashes one more time,
Rehashing the arguments — we’re telling you, there’s nothing left!

It’s time to go! Deliver yourself! Emerge, escape and be born!”

→ Click here to read & listen to the full drash

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hhd5783 Rabbi Noa Kushner hhd5783 Rabbi Noa Kushner

Run / Rosh Hashanah 5783

Rosh Hashanah 5783
Rabbi Noa Kushner

There are times when we are open enough
When we are sitting in the doorway of our tent, the doorway of the doorway / פֶּֽתַח־הָאֹ֖הֶל
There are times when our eyes are open enough
To realize the ladder in the corner is going somewhere we need to go

And so we run, like Abraham did, to greet any messenger who comes our way
There’s no time for signing wavers or downloading apps
You either go up the ladder or not
You either run to greet the messengers or go and hide inside

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hhd5783 Rabbi Michael Lezak hhd5783 Rabbi Michael Lezak

Sent / Erev Rosh Hashanah 5783

Erev Rosh Hashanah 5783
Rabbi Michael Lezak

I want to think about how we might set our lives up in such a way so that we regularly and reliably and freely are in an unimpeded way giving our gifts, magnifying the light, the love, the compassion, the righteousness, the joy, the flow of holiness in our hearts and outside.

How we might carry one another in the sweetest and most sacred ways?

→ Click here to read & listen to the full drash

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We Are Marked
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner

We Are Marked

Parashat Bo
Rabbi Noa Kushner

We Are Marked
The mark, the reminder in the Torah is that we left Egypt once and so we will leave it again

That even this plague will end

That even this plague will end

That even this plague will end

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Little Vessels: Hanukkah 2021
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner

Little Vessels: Hanukkah 2021

Rabbi Noa Kushner
Little Vessels: Hanukkah, 2021

Vessels of oil / small, vessels, cruises of oil
The kind of vessels that once, long ago, gave us just enough hope to try to change everything in our world
Just enough hope to get us to the next miracle

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Nothing is Lost
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner

Nothing is Lost

Parashat Toldot
Rabbi Noa Kushner

Nothing is Lost
There are two life changing prayers in the parasha, one from Isaac and one from Rebecca. Both ask, “If this is the way it is, then why am I here?”

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drasha, hhd Rabbi Noa Kushner drasha, hhd Rabbi Noa Kushner


R. Noa Kushner
September 15, 2021 / Kol Nidrei, 5782

But I have come to believe that this social crisis, this economic crisis
This crisis of unimaginable disparity
Is so pervasive and so, accepted
It requires our spiritual attention
It requires us to reveal all the lies we’ve been telling ourselves for so long.

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Living Through Creation
drasha, hhd Rabbi Noa Kushner drasha, hhd Rabbi Noa Kushner

Living Through Creation

R. Noa Kushner
Living Through Creation
September 7, 2021 / Rosh Hashanah Morning, 5782

I’m talking about the kind of creation that assumes chaos is already here

The kind that assumes things need to changeI’m not talking about a shiny new creation

I’m talking about re-creation It’s already started
This re-creation has already started The only question is: What kind of a creation story is it going to be?

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A time to mourn, a time to love
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer shabbat, drasha Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer

A time to mourn, a time to love

Parshat Va'etchanan
Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer
July 23rd 2021

In the journey from Tisha B’Av to Tu B’Av, we come to understand love differently. In the face of death and destruction and existential fear, we remember how to love each other. 

Defenses down.

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Rules for the Wildnerness
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner shabbat, drasha Rabbi Noa Kushner

Rules for the Wildnerness

Parashat Matot-Masei
Rabbi Noa Kushner
July 9th, 2021

Four Basic Rules for Moving Through The Wilderness / Life
Rule #1: You Can’t Leave Until You Journey
Rule #2: You Cannot Name the Station Until You’re Done With It
Rule #3: Sometimes Backwards is Forwards
Rule #4: Every Station is Essential

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Grasshopper Syndrome
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer shabbat, drasha Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer

Grasshopper Syndrome

Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer
Parashat Sh’lach

But what about the damage we do to others, and to the world, to God, when we sink into the victim place, make like Gregor Samsa and morph into grasshoppers, not taking the impact of our actions seriously? When there is a discrepancy between perceived impact and actual impact, things get dangerous.

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Call To Prayer
shabbat, drasha Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer shabbat, drasha Rabbi Jessica Kate Meyer

Call To Prayer

To silence prayer is to silence a soul.
So many bad actors and bad actions have been amplified - spewing hate - while prayer is quieted.
And we know that what gets amplified draws us toward it.

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