
Parashat Shoftim/ August 18 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Egypt is not on the way to T’shuvah
Parashat Shoftim / August 18
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Egypt is not on the way to T’shuvah
When we reached the shores of the sea
(Knowing our Jewish community as you do you may or may not be surprised)
We did not act as one unified coalition, rather
There were four factions
Four responses to that fraught moment

Parashat Eikev / August 4 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / The Blessing
Parashat Eikev / August 4
Rabbi Noa Kushner
He Changed His Mind at 91: The Blessing
Now he simply wanted to undo what he had done, one public signature at a time.
He was still teaching that great Torah, that what we do matters. That it is never too late.

Parashat Devarim / July 21 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / These are the Words
Parashat Devarim / July 21
Rabbi Noa Kushner
These are the Words
All the words you were missing for all those generations in Egypt came rushing back to you —
The descriptions and dreams and associations and conversations and unfinished sentences
A torrent of ideas and emotions all came pouring out, and your mouths began to heal

Parashat Sh’lach / June 17 / Rabbi Scott Perlo
Parashat Sh’lach / June 17
Rabbi Scott Perlo — Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out our past scholars & past teachings here.

Parashat Sh’lach / June 16 / Rabbi Scott Perlo
Parashat Sh’lach / June 16
Rabbi Scott Perlo — Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out our past scholars & past teachings here.

Parashat Nasso / June 2 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Close Your Eyes and Receive It
Parashat Nasso / June 2
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Close Your Eyes and Receive It
Sometimes the filter can be the conduit
Counter-intuitively, strengthening our connection
A divine game of hide and seek
“Before you even call, I will answer,” says God

Parashat B’mindar / May 20 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / What Are You Waiting For?
Parashat B’midbari/ May 20
Rabbi Noa Kushner
What Are You Waiting For?
We walk as close to those we love as we possibly can, we carry them, and then there is a line we cannot cross

Parashat B’mindar / May 19 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Rules For The Wilderness
Parashat B’midbari/ May 19
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Rules For The Wilderness
There are 4 Rules of the Wilderness:
1. You Can’t Leave Until You Journey
2. You Cannot Name the Station Until You're Done With It
3. Sometimes Backwards is Forwards
4. Every Station is Essential

Parashat Behar Bechukotai / May 13 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Can You Hear Me Now?: Walking in the Garden
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai / May 13
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Can You Hear Me Now? : Walking in the Garden
Maybe Eve and Adam were hearing the sound of the pitter patter of little divine feet,
Or God’s high heels as they crunched down delicately and purposefully on the fine gravel paths of Eden
Or maybe as it says in Shir HaShirim Rabbah they heard the sound of God jumping from heaven to earth and back up again.

Parashat Emor / May 6 / Peter Beinart
Parashat Emor / May 6
Peter Beinart — Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out upcoming scholars & past teachings here.

Dinner Conversations with Peter Beinart & Nadav Tamir of J Street
Dinner Conversations / May 5
Peter Beinart & Nadav Tamir
On Shabbat evening, May 5th, J Street’s Executive Director, Nadav Tamir, sat down with Peter Beinart to discuss Israel/Palestine, democracy, and us. Listen to the conversation below.
Sponsored by J Street

Parashat Emor / May 5 / Peter Beinart
Parashat Emor / May 5
Peter Beinart — Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out upcoming scholars & past teachings here.

Parashat Kedoshim / April 29 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Take Care Of My Garden
Parashat Kedoshim / April 29
Rabbi Noa Kushner
Take Care Of My Garden
Maybe these commands are there to teach us, precisely, that there are some things we don’t know
Why have a command for something so painfully, really embarrassingly obvious?
To teach us that being holy doesn’t always make sense

Parashat Shmini / April 14 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / “Where’s Your Prophecy Now?”: Jerusalem, Democracy and Us
Parashat Shmini / April 14
Rabbi Noa Kushner
”Where’s Your Prophecy Now?”: Jerusalem, Democracy and Us
Do we in America even have the courage to stand, not leaving the shore for a second
To keep our eyes on what’s happening
To hold fast to a prophecy, the highest prize, even when all evidence is pointing to the contrary?
Do we have the strength to tell the truth about the severity of the situation?

Parashat Tzav / Apr 1 / Rabbi Keilah Lebell
Parashat Tzav / Apr 1
Rabbi Keilah Lebell — Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out upcoming scholars & past teachings here.

Parashat Tzav / Mar 31 / Rabbi Keilah Lebell
Parashat Tzav / Mar 31
Rabbi Keilah Lebell — Visiting Scholar
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out upcoming scholars & past teachings here.

Parashat Vayekhel–Pekudei / Mar 17 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / No Such Thing as 'Too Much'
Parashat Vayekhel–Pekudei / Mar 17
Rabbi Noa Kushner
No Such Thing as ’Too Much’
Once we escape the tyranny of measuring everything
The over extension of the metaphors of the marketplace to measure everything in our lives
We remember
There's no such thing as extra, there is no more “too much”

Parashat Ki Tisa / Mar 11 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / No More Starting Over
Parashat Ki Tisa / Mar 11
Rabbi Noa Kushner
No More Starting Over
As the kids say
Find someone who loves you the way Moses loved God
Find someone, or I don’t know, find a tradition, a community who loves that way
Where destruction is not an option
Where starting all over is no longer on the table

Parashat Tetzaveh / Mar 3
Parashat Tetzaveh / March 3rd
Rabbi Les Bronstein & Cantor Benjie Schiller — Visiting Scholars
We're overjoyed to welcome some of the most engaging, powerful teachers in the US and Israel. Many are long time Kitchen favorites, some newer to us but all known for their ability to connect Torah to our lives right now. We'll spend a whole shabbat with these thinkers, like a retreat without having to pack. Check out upcoming scholars & past teachings here.

Parashat Terumah / Feb 25 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / The Most Dangerous of All
Parashat Terumah / Feb 25
Rabbi Noa Kushner
The Most Dangerous of All
And actually, if I am being completely honest,
I don’t want to just access holiness with regularity or even predictability
I want to own it
What if it never returns again?
See, and here we are, you don’t have to admit it but I will:
I want to control it, even if I know I can’t
I want to bind holiness and keep it safe where I can always have it
A little golden cage for the divine bird