Freedom School 1/27 Class Recaps

K/1 w/ Laura: In this week’s session, we learned the story of Rivkah and the chesed she showed Eliezer when she got him water to drink AND watered his camels as well. We brought to life how incredible this kindness was by carrying a gallon of water across the playground 30 times - or about as much as one thirsty camel drinks in 15 minutes! Then we all decorated water pitchers to bring home as a reminder to perform acts of chesed small and great within our families and beyond. See you next week at Kitchen Escape!

2/3 w/ Anyssa: This week the 2/3rd grade cohort learned the Barechu prayer and practiced it in Hebrew and English. We talked about the key vocabulary words (Barechu, Hamevorach, Le’Olam) and their meanings. Then we did a scavenger hunt to test their knowledge, by using found objects to explore the meaning of the words of the prayer. We also talked about moments where we have felt gratitude and wrote a journal entry about our feelings of gratitude for all the blessings in our lives. The students also learned with Rabbi Michael and are very excited for the moving box project on 2/24!

4/5 w/ Doria: 4/5 immersed ourselves in the holiday of Tu B'Shevat! We read the story of "Honi and the Carob Tree," which helped us think about the long-term work of being stewards of the planet. We then learned two different blessings for different fruits (borei p'ri ha'etz/fruit of the tree and borei p'ri ha'adamah/fruit of the ground). Students excelled in our "fruit blessing challenge" where they had to identify mystery fruits and pair that fruit with the correct blessing! Parents: see if your children remember which blessing is for an apple and which is for a banana :)

6th w/ Jaime: In our last session, the 6th graders celebrated Tu B’shvat and our local forests by learning about coastal redwoods on four different levels: as individuals, family units, communities, and societies. We then reflected on ourselves through those four different levels. Who are we? What makes a family? What are our roles and responsibilities in community? And how do we help others?


Parashat Yitro / February 3 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / Divine Recognition


Freedom School 1/20 Class Recaps