Freedom School 1/20 Class Recaps

K/1 w/ Laura: This Shabbat K/1 continued our unit on the Patriarchs and the Matriarchs by learning the story of the Binding of Yitzach. We had parents learn in one circle and kids learn in another. Our parent group shared their experiences and ambitions talking Torah with their kids. Our kids group created a comic book retelling of the story. Then we made charms for each of the patriarchs and matriarchs we’ve learned about so far. We’ll continue our unit next week when we learn about Rivkah.

2/3 w/ Anyssa: Today in 2/3 cohort we learned the prayer “Ma Tovu” - which teaches us about the sacredness of a beautiful place - and talked about our favorite sacred places. The students had such great answers, from nature spots like the beach, desert or forest - to their own homes and beds. We then learned the prayer and sang it in rounds, with 2 groups singing collaboratively! We then learned about the story of Balaam and how his curses to the Israelites became blessings (leading to “Ma tovu”) and talked about our own blessings in life - then we made a beautiful blessing chain! P.S. some of the students learned a dance taught by Sonia - we are so lucky to have her as our someche!

4/5 w/ Doria: 4/5 continued our deep davening with more connections (musically and liturgically) to our time in services. We connected ram v'nisa and mi chamocha with our reading of Exodus 1. We had an interesting discussion about why Pharoah might have felt the need to oppress the Israelites (answers included: fear of losing power, fear of too much change for the Egyptians if there were too many Israelites). Students then wrote a short, creative piece from the perspective of one person in Exodus 1! We heard from Pharoah, Shifrah, and G*d!

6th w/ Jaime: Last Shabbat, the sixth graders learned about the order of the morning service and how our prayers follow a sort of story arc (beginning, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution). We also studied and practiced the words, melody, and meaning of Ein Kamocha to build familiarity with the Torah service prayers. Plus we visited services for the Torah service!


Freedom School 1/27 Class Recaps


Parashat Bo / January 19 / Rabbi David Kasher / Midnight in מִצְרָ֑יִם / Egypt: God’s Relationship to Time