Adult Fitness = Spiritual Fitness / כושר רוחני
How Did We Get Here?
Modern Jewish History and Zionism from 1750
October 6, 2023
Taught by Marc Dollinger
Dates: Three Thursdays - November 14, December 5, December 12
Times: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Location: The Firehouse, a private space in Cole Valley for community gatherings sponsored by Anne Germanacos.
Free for Kitchen Members
$50 for non Members. Click here to become a Kitchen Member.
Shabbat scholar: Rabbi Mark Sameth, author of
The Name: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God
Teacher: Rabbi Mark Sameth
Offering his kabbalat shabbat d’var torah on Parashat Vayishlach entitled "Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes.”
Shabbat morning teaching, "The Tao of Torah" and "The Name: A History of the Dual-Gendered Hebrew Name for God" at kiddush lunch.
Dates, Times & Locations:
Friday, December 13, 6:00 PM at the SF Friends School
Saturday, December 14, starting at 9:30 AM (during and after Morning Shabbat services) at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House