Freedom School 3/16 Class Recaps

K-7 and Parents: We continued devloping our spiritual core through all-school learning. We asked the question: “Why might somebody pray?” and generated dozens - no, hundreds! - of answers that we categorized and tried to make sense of. Some of them are: to ask for health; to connect with ancestors; to get things; to say sorry; and to find more happiness. Then we looked at excerpts from ten different prayers we say on a Saturday morning - from the Shema to Asher Yatzar (prayer for going to the bathroom) to the Aleinu - and unpacked what they each say about the role of prayer, and why one person might pray. Each of these prayers also had something clear to say about the role of our body in prayer, and later in the morning Doria led us in an embodied workshop using our bodies and movement to open up different understandings of what prayer means.


Parashat Tzav / March 30 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / ?מִ֣י זֹ֗את עֹלָה֙ מִן־הַמִּדְבָּ֔ר / Who is she that arises from the desert? 


Parashat Pekudei / March 15 / Rabbi José Rolando Matalon / The Mishkan as a new Creation: Restoring a home for God and for humans in the world / Visiting Scholar