Freedom School 6/1 Class Recaps

K/1 w/ Laura: Thank you K/1 for an incredible year. On Saturday we finished our unit on values by talking about leadership and community, and how we can all show up in our community sometimes to lead and sometimes to follow. We finished earning our seven values badges - one for each week of the Omer. We celebrated with a donut party. Thank you, parents, for letting me get to know your children this year. They are incredible people and I can’t wait to see where their journey with Torah takes them.

2/3 w/ Anyssa: For our last session of the year together, 2nd and 3rd grade spent the morning doing some reflecting, creating, quizzing, and dancing! In our first block we reflected on 2 questions: 1. What was your favorite memory from this year? 2. What do you want to be when you grow up? Both had some amazing, creative and insightful answers. In the second block, we did some trivia to test our knowledge from the whole year - everything from values, Hebrew words and their meanings, prayers, stories from Torah and more. In the last block we joined Doria’s class (4/5th grade) and did some dancing in the front yard outside in the sunshine! Then, we wrapped up our year with a closing circle.

4/5 w/ Doria:

6th w/ Jaime:


Parashat Devarim  / Aug 9 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / What Took Us So Long


Parashat Bechukotai  / May 31 / Rabbi Noa Kushner / The rock on the mouth of the well