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Rainmakers Workshop with Christopher Jones

Workshop 2 : Measurement with Christopher Jones

We will be joined by Christopher Jones, the leader of Berkeley's Cool Climate lab, to understand our impact on the climate. Before the workshop, we will measure our own footprints, learn about how our footprint appears in a Jewish context, and identify the biggest changes we can make in our own lives.

Here is how to prep:

1. Complete the Cool Climate Calculator. It will help to have a recent utility + water bill on hand.

2. Note your total tons CO2/equivalent generated per year. What are three main drivers of CO2 emissions in your household?

3. Compare your total to your neighborhood (Figure 2 on page 7 of Chris's paper). How do you compare and why do you think that is?

4. Now compare it to your household income (Figure 4b on page 9). How do you compare to your income distribution and why?

Zoom link here

March 23

Jewish 101

March 24

Parashat HaShavuah / Torah Portion of the Week - Passover Edition